Chance2Sports : Bridging the Opportunity Gap for Underprivileged Youth. In a world where sports possess the unique power to unite and inspire, the organization Chance2Sports stands as a beacon of hope, breaking down barriers that have long kept children from humble backgrounds on the sidelines. The playing field is not level for all. Many children, due to their disadvantaged circumstances, have been denied the chance to partake in sports—an opportunity that goes far beyond the thrill of the game. At Chance2Sports, we are committed to reshaping the narrative and extending the promise of sports to all. Our mission is simple yet profound: to provide children from underprivileged backgrounds with equal access to the world of sports. We recognize that sports offer much more than just physical activity. They instill discipline, focus, and teamwork while promoting positive engagement with peers from all walks of life. The benefits are extensive, ranging from improved physical and mental health to enhanced academic performance—a formula for personal growth and a brighter future. We are dedicated to rewriting the rules of the game by removing the financial and social barriers that stand in the way of these deserving youngsters. Our goal is to empower them with the skills and opportunities required to thrive in the world of sports and beyond. Through the generous sponsorship of Mrs. Deborah Kanga, in loving memory of her late husband, Noshir Kanga, we receive support that enables us to continue our mission. His passion for squash, commitment to sportsmanship, and dedication to community betterment live on through our initiatives.Kanga Kids / Camp is proud to support Chance2Sports initiatives to identify and reward talent among young squash players, including welfare and development of economically challenged youth. The programs under the Kanga Kids banner are being sponsored by Mrs Deborah Kanga in memory of her husband late Noshir Kanga, to honour his passion for squash, keen sportsmanship, and desire to give back to the community. Our goal is to nurture young talent at the grassroots level in India by giving the deprived an opportunity to channel their determination and develop a will to persevere until they can experience substantial results. Our efforts include providing them with training and giving them an opportunity to transcend conditions of poverty and change their lives by relying on squash as the foundation for their holistic development rather than just for their physical health alone.
Hall of Fame-National Champions. 2023 & 2022-Anika Dubey (Current) 2020 & 2021-Abhinav Sinha (PRO) 2019-Akanksha Gupta (Youngest) 2017 & 2018-Yoshna Singh.
Track record of Mentoring National Champions since 2017.

Chance2Sports for Grassroots talent program to develop future champions
Abhinav Sinha "One of the youngest Racket Sports Coach to produce Junior national Champions consistently since 2017 from diverse background".
Chance2Sports initiates and drives programs to identify and reward talent among young players, including welfare and development of economically challenged youth. Our efforts include providing them with training free of cost and giving them an opportunity to transcend conditions of poverty and change their lives by relying on sports as the foundation for their holistic development rather than just for their physical health alone.
We have been working with diverse background players from multiple cities since 2010 and realised that the NEXT CHAMPION can come from the grassroot level. To develop the same we have run multiple programs and provide a platform to nurture and enable these talented youngsters to progress in a systematic manner.
We are currently focussing on Racket Sports and Athletics. Given a right amount of exposure to our young players we wish to give them access to compete as well.
"Believe to achieve"

Current Champions